

Hi guys! How many times if I didn't posted in here! Guys, you know, God is amazing. I did the Fast of Daniel. I dind't received the Holy Spirit in tha last day how many people receive! I received 5 days after te 21 days of Fast!(2 days before I gave my sacrifice) God tested me for lnow where my faith could go! He tested, a I passed <3 Well I'll explain everything: It was 20:00 of 7/9/17, I thought in do a fast! And I was growing up the fast: First I thought to do 3 hours, but after 4 hours, and finally I decided to do 5 HOURS! I could remeber, I did everything to God, I said to Him if I love Him, I proofed that! And I was finishing the Fast, I sang a Gospel music to Him, because He deserves <3! And I didn't asked to Him nothing and He gave His Spirit to me! VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY  GOOD! I received the sure, the sure of my salvation, the sure of His presence inside of me! I have the sure, and after I felt the peace, the happiness! Guys, NEVER GIVE UP! Bel

How I overcame everything?

Hello, it's me, the guy from another post. Well the another post was very sad, a lots. Well this post probably will help some people who are suffering. Well, let's start. After my withdrawal of the youtube. A lots of people start talking good about my channel. Wow, y'all arrived late. But, after everything I started to be unhappy, something if I never thought. I lost myself, I canned found me, my happy, myself, my self esteem, nothing. I was unhappy, lost, weak, and without self esteem. The only thing if helped me was music. I loved Kesha, she is cool xD But i only canned being peaceful listening her music. After a long time I discovered if she is satanic, and guess who started using symbols like her? ME. I was so stupid, in the moment if I discovered this fact about her, I wanted to be famous like her, have money, followers and everything. I used kesha to replace my self esteem, not good idea. In the class of Arts I was using satanic symbols in the drawings. I only in

Who am I?

Hello, this is my first post, (and probably the last post). Probably you are asking why am I saying this? Because I will expose the truth, the entire truth. In this post I'll talk about my experience on the youtube, fake friends on there and the reason why I gave up ... I was only a boy with 12 years, but I was in home watching videos, only, and I think: LET'S START A YOUTUBE CHANNEL LIKE THIS PEOPLE. And I started with the help of my sister. I did an video making prank calls, but after an time i deleted because the quality. And after a weeks i post an short video about me. And I created an twitter account for the channel. And I created and I started talking with another people, with another "Youtubers". I only said if I am youtuber, ONLY, but another people think if i was trying to get popular through their. Ok. But I was growing up trough the videos of my opinion about a scandalous things in PT. When I did 3 months of channel I reached 100 subscribers. For me it