How I overcame everything?

Hello, it's me, the guy from another post. Well the another post was very sad, a lots. Well this post probably will help some people who are suffering. Well, let's start.
After my withdrawal of the youtube. A lots of people start talking good about my channel. Wow, y'all arrived late. But, after everything I started to be unhappy, something if I never thought. I lost myself, I canned found me, my happy, myself, my self esteem, nothing. I was unhappy, lost, weak, and without self esteem. The only thing if helped me was music. I loved Kesha, she is cool xD But i only canned being peaceful listening her music. After a long time I discovered if she is satanic, and guess who started using symbols like her? ME.
I was so stupid, in the moment if I discovered this fact about her, I wanted to be famous like her, have money, followers and everything.
I used kesha to replace my self esteem, not good idea. In the class of Arts I was using satanic symbols in the drawings.
I only in a short time. When I arrived at the final of March I talked with an ex-famous guy in my place. And he talked about an group of young people, and I was so interested. When saturday came, I gone to the Young Power Group. It's cool :) And almost the final they said: "Now you, pray to God, ask for help, say your problems to Him". And I thought" Why will I pray to God if i am a little bit satanic", but I prayed. After 2 weeks, I started in Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. THE BEST CHOICE, SERIOUS.
I started have more friends, I leaved the "depression" and the satanism. I found myself, and now I'm free of everything. I'm not perfect, but God helped me. Now I'm proud of who I am, I'm happy. And now I know if Jesus Christ it's real. And Jesus loves everyone. God Bless You.
